MEN MY MOTHER DATED Mom's one date with Bob Petronick, in her freshman year of college, was an eventful evening of firsts. He escorted her to her first fraternity party, a semi-formal affair at which she imbibed the first beer of her young life. One beer led to another and then a third and, in short order, she was pretty tight. Another female party-goer bumped into her there in the crowded ballroom and before anything could be done, she and Mom became embroiled in a hair-pulling, eye-gouging catfight, the first such row Mom had ever been involved in. The fight was broken up by the campus police. Mom's arrest (her first) on drunk-and-disorderly charges led to her first night in jail. Bob, much to his credit, took up a collection around the fraternity house and posted her bail the next morning but he never called for another date. Mom garnered 30 hours' community service, six months' probation and a reputation.

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